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How I became a "Meggie"

I've always been "Megan". I despised being called "Meg" or "Meggie" or any abbreviation of my name. Occasionally my Aunt would call me Meg, but I hated it, even if I was polite enough to keep it to myself. Now, however, I find myself being called Meggie all the time and not only do I not hate it, I adore it. It is one of a million changes in my life over the past year since two little boys and their father wormed their way into my heart.
I must admit I've never been big on kids. My life plans didn't involve having children, especially not anytime soon. When I started spending time with Matt (now my fiance) his two sons were obviously included in the deal. At one and two years of age "Megan" was a bit much for their vocabulary, so I became "Meggie". And I have no regrets about it.
Killian and Avery are not perfect children. I doubt that such a thing exists. They have tantrums, beat each other up and conveniently "forget" any rule that interfers with their fun. On the other hand they love hugs and kisses, dance with carefree abandon, are fascinated by "monsters" and other scary things and make me laugh at least as often as they make me want to scream.
I still don't like most kids, though I'm a bit more tolerant of them. But I'm embracing my "Meggiehood" and looking forward to one day adding another little one to the mix. Odd how life can change so suddenly and completely.

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